Social Protection of Women: from Protection to Empowerment (Fact Sheet)

Fact Sheet Social Protection (English)
UN Women Palestine Country Office
Several international instruments have emphasized the individual right to have access to and benefit from social protection services as an inherent human right and as a cornerstone in the alleviation of poverty and the realization of social justice without discrimination. The Palestinian Basic Law emphasizes the contents of international instruments. Article (9) thereof provides that “Palestinians shall be equal before the law and the judiciary, without distinction”. Article (10) of the same law provides that basic human rights and liberties shall be protected and respected, and it calls on the Palestinian Authority to act immediately to accede to international declarations and instruments that protect human rights. In that vein, the government has announced its commitment to developing a comprehensive and complete system for social protection based on rights and ensuring a decent and dignified life for citizens, particularly the most disadvantaged and marginalized groups.

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Resource type(s): Resource kits
UN Women office publishing: Palestine Country Office
Publication year