Cross-Sectoral National Gender Strategy (occupied Palestinian territory): Promoting Gender Equality and Equity 2011-2013
Developed by the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Women's Affairs with the support of UN Women, the Cross-Sectoral National Gender Strategy for the occupied Palestinian territory serves as a practical road map for the government to address gender-related issues on the national agenda and supports the implementation of the 2011-2013 Palestinian National Plan.
The three-year Strategy, endorsed by the Council of Ministers, highlights multiple challenges Palestinian women face that requires the attention, cooperation and coordination of public institutions, non-governmental organizations, the private sector as well as international and regional organizations supporting women's issues. It is a guiding document that serves as a reference for developing appropriate and gender-responsive policies that would positively influence the socio-economic and political conditions of women and men and ensure that women can fully enjoy their rights in equity within the Palestinian society.