
Decent Work for Women Programme

“Promoting Women’s Equal Access to Economic Opportunities and Decent Work in Palestine” (Decent Work for Women Programme) aims to increase employment opportunities for women through market-oriented skills training, in topics such as business development, market linkages, marketing and provision of grants to women entrepreneurs. The Programme also supports women’s labour market participation in an environment that promotes Decent Work principles and non-discrimination. This is achieved by raising awareness on women’s labour rights, and by improving their protection in the workplace through reform of labour related legislation and equitable reinforcement mechanisms.

The Programme aims at achieving the following results:

Expected result 1: Increased employment of women and access to decent and productive jobs through market-oriented skills trainings;

Expected result 2: Promoting an environment that enables women's labour market participation on the basis of equal opportunity and non-discrimination. 


  • Ministries of Women’s Affairs, Labour and National Economy
  • Federation of Chambers of commerce, Industryand Agriculture
  • Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions
  • National Committee for Women’s Employment
  • Business Women Forum
  • National policy making bodies and committees
  • Private Sector Institutions.

The Programme is implemented by UN Women in partnership with the International Labour Organization in Palestine with generous funding from the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.

Promoting Productive Employment and Decent Work for Women in Egypt, Jordan and Palestine

The regional joint programme aims at promoting decent employment opportunities for women in Egypt, Jordan and Palestine through promoting equitable laws and policies, engaging public, private and community actors and reducing the uneven burden of unpaid care.

The programme aims at achieving the following results:

Expected result 1: Gender responsive labour laws and related policies in place and effective;

Expected result 2: A gender responsive private sector that attracts, retains and promotes women is supported;

Expected result 3: Gender stereotypes about women and men’s responsibilities concerning unpaid care and household work are challenged.

The Programme is implemented by UN Women and the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Egypt, Jordan and Palestine with generous funding from Sweden.

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