Building Ties: Towards Integrated Strategic & Policies for Empowering Palestinian Women

Building Ties EN
UN Women & Institute of Women's Studies

Prepared at the request of the Ministry of Women's Affairs (MoWA), in cooperation and with the support of UN Women, the evidence-based policy report aimed to inform the development of MoWA Strategic Plan (2014-2016), as well as supporting the integration of women's empowerment strategies in targeted sectoral plans of line ministries. By exploring the status of Palestinian women in 8 sectors - Health, Education, Social Services, Labor and Employment, Women and Assets, Access to Justice, Political participation, Access to the public Sphere - and 2 cross-cutting issues - Violence against Women and International Aid - the report offers one of the first and most comprehensive analysis of the situation of Palestinian women from key trends and challenges to strategic opportunities and policy priorities.

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English & Arabic

Bibliographic information

Resource type(s): Books
UN Women office publishing: Palestine Country Office
Publication year
Number of pages