Caught Up Between A Rock & A Hard Place: Occupation, Patriarchy And Gender Relations A Case Study Of Palestinian Women In Area C & H2

This report is an in-depth, gender-based study designed to identify - and help voice - the needs and priorities of women living in areas under occupation and facing prolonged humanitarian crisis. The findings, conclusions and recommendations of the report are addressed to humanitarian, as well as development and political, actors to enable them to develop an informed humanitarian response that addresses the gender-differentiated impact of the Israeli Occupation on community members in general and women in particular.
The report supports the design and implementation of interventions under the project Advancing the Implementation of UNSCR 1325 in Palestine (2015-2017), implemented by UN Women in partnership with the General Union of Palestinian Women (GUPW) and The Culture and Free Thought Association (CFTA) in Gaza.

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Caught Up Between A Rock & A Hard Place: Occupation, Patriarchy And Gender Relations A Case Study Of Palestinian Women In Area C & H2 (English)

Caught Up Between A Rock & A Hard Place: Occupation, Patriarchy And Gender Relations A Case Study Of Palestinian Women In Area C & H2 (Arabic)

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English; Arabic

Bibliographic information

Resource type(s): Case studies
UN Women office publishing: Palestine Country Office
Publication year
Number of pages