Gender-Sensitive Resilience Capacity Index: Gender-Responsive Management and Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Arab States Region: From Emergency Response to Recovery and Resilience - Palestine

UN Women Regional Office for the Arab States (ROAS)

With thanks to the Government of Japan, who generously funded the regional LEAP and COVID-19 programmes as well as the resilience monitoring efforts, UN Women in Palestine was able to roll-out the gender-sensitive resilience capacity index in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip through its implementing partners, ADWAR-Roles for Social Change Association and the Red Crescent Society for Gaza (RCS4G). This report will present findings on resilience from the lens of 110 host community women who have received conditional and unconditional cash assistance throughout the COVID-19 programme implementation period. The aim of this report is to present evidence on the impact of UN Women’s interventions and provide in-depth analysis around resilience and factors critical for strengthening resilience. This will allow UN Women to expand its evidence based on resilience and help better design programmes, ensuring that they are mainly based on needs and vulnerabilities of the population of concern.

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