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Through an awareness raising media campaign launched by the HAYA Joint Programme at the end of June 2022, more than two and a half million Palestinian citizens became more aware of the available essential services for women survivors of gender-based violence* and were encouraged to access these services. These services include health care, justice and policing, and social services.
Ilham Edaes, a 28-year-old health worker in the West Bank, Palestine has been back to work, every day, since May, serving the hardest-to-reach communities through a mobile clinic that offers breast cancer screening. Edaes has a five-year-old son, Majd, who is growing up watching his parents share childcare and domestic chores – an unusual occurrence in the region, where domestic and unpaid care work is largely seen as women’s work.
More than 700 young Palestinians have received leadership and gender-sensitivity training and several have collectively drafted an alternative constitution that challenges the status quo.