Facts and Figures: Peace, Security and Humanitarian Response
- One woman was represented in the internal reconciliation committees [1], namely in the Elections Committee, during the reconciliation talks between the Fatah and Hamas in Egypt in May 2011.
- The 1325 Network, established in 2010 by the General Union of Palestinian Women, represents the national network for the advancement of UNSCR 1325 [2]. The Ministry of Women’s Affairs has also established a UNSCR 1325 National Committee. These two bodies, bringing together non-governmental organizations, Palestinian Government institutions, gender advocates, women’s machineries and academics in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, aim at providing all actors with a concrete Palestinian reading of UNSCR 1325, while putting in place and/or advocating for associated accountability measures [3].
- The Gender Marker was introduced in oPt in the CAP 2011. The tool provide an opportunity to track progress with regard to performance of the HCT in regards gender mainstreaming over the past years and identify areas for improvement[4].
[1] The reconciliation process yielded the establishment of five committees; namely: Social Reconciliation, Public Freedoms, Palestinian Liberation Organization –PLO Reform, Security, and Elections.
[2] Final Statement of the national conference on UNSCR 1325, organized by MIFTAH on 28th December 2011to launch the National Coalition for the Implementation of the UNSCR 1325.
[3] Information from the Ministry of Women’s Affairs
[4] 2014 Strategic Response Plan, occupied Palestinian territory, p.8
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