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Ramallah, Thursday, 06 February 2025 – The Steering Committee of the Sawasya III Joint Programme: Promoting Equal Access to Justice for All Palestinians, a joint initiative of the UNDP, UN Women, and UNICEF, convened today in Ramallah to approve the 2025 Annual Work Plan. 
Duha Shellah, 26 years old, is a Palestinian young doctor and medical journalist. She is the founder & CEO of the Researchist, a research community working to increase youth and women’s representation in research and science. In 2022, Duha was recognized as one of the world’s 21 outstanding young physicians by the Inter-Academy Partnership in Berlin, Germany. She is also an Eastern Mediterranean Region Delegate at World Federation of Public Health Associations (Young Council). Additionally, Duha is a coordinator at the Medical & Health Sciences division of the Palestine Academy for Science and Technology. Among other things, Duha is the Student Editor-in-Chief and Ambassador at the International Journal of Medical Students.
Female inmates in the correction and rehabilitation centres of the West Bank are battling with their mental health due to the lack of strong family and community ties and the harsh realities of violence they have faced. To address these challenges, the Ministry of Social Development (MoSD) organized a specialized training programme for counsellors, with the support of the Sawasya Programme through UN Women Palestine.
Farha Abu Al Haija, 57 years old, lives in Jenin, the West Bank. She is the Director of “Not to Forget,” a local NGO that provides women and children with legal, social, and psychological aid, focusing mostly on vulnerable women and survivors of gender-based violence.
Huthayfa Shbair, 26, is a Palestinian lawyer whose upbringing instilled in him great respect for the legal profession. Huthayfa was drawn to defend human rights and fight injustice. However, his path to becoming a human rights defender was not without its challenges. Growing up in a culture that frowned upon interactions with women had limited his exposure to gender-related issues.
UN Women and Musawah organised a meeting with Palestinian sharia judges and international experts to discuss new directions in Islamic legal thought and opportunities to respond to needs of women in the Shari'a courts. In Palestine, the Shari’a court deals with family matters which have significant and disproportionate impacts on women’s lives.
The second study report of UN Women-supported series on women’s access to justice in Palestine presents the unique challenges faced by Palestinian women in East Jerusalem to access justice and the realization of their political, socio-economical, legal and cultural rights.
UN Women is working with the Attorney General’s Office in Palestine on a human-rights-based approach to handling cases of domestic and gender-based violence, by training public prosecutors in line with international standards and developing operating procedures.
In Palestine, a Centre offers shelter and changes lives for survivors of violence