Press Release: UN Women Palestine Launches their Second Cohort of the Youth Gender Innovation Agora and Announces the New Members

Palestine, 14 April 2023 - UN Women Palestine announced the second cohort of the Youth Gender Innovation Agora. Established in 2020, as a consultative forum and platform for regular dialogue and advocacy around gender with youth in Palestine.
33 young women and men leaders from Palestine were selected for their expertise on youth and gender issues, their ability to design innovative solutions and campaigns, encourage the mobilization of young people and facilitate the dissemination of information to networks and organizations around the region, and finally for their leadership and demonstrated contribution to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.
UN Women’s Palestine Office Special Representative, Maryse Guimond, welcomed the announcement of the second cohort, remarking that “The skills, talents, commitments and inspiration of young women and men represent critical drivers for accelerating progress on sustainable development and gender equality in Palestine. They are key partners in the achievement of equality.”
From over 100 applications, UN Women Palestine selected the new Agora members and provided them with a safe space to share information and experiences related to gender equality and develop initiatives that support the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 5: achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
Without further ado, here are the second cohort of the Youth Gender Innovation Agora members: