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1 - 20 of 74 Results
Jericho: Through the HAYA Joint Programme, funded by the Government of Canada, UN-Habitat in partnership with Jericho Municipality and the Ministry of Local Government, inaugurated a new safe, inclusive and accessible public space in the heart of Jericho city -The Ein Al Sultan Canal.
The new space represents a significant investment in Jericho’s public infrastructure, offering residents and visitors a welcoming environment to connect with nature, and enjoying the flow of the water canal, and the different outdoor activities. In welcoming remarks Mr. Abdel Karim Sadr, Jericho Mayor, confirmed “Jericho Municipality is working towards reviving the city with an ambitious, new vision and for that reason we are proud of the Canal project, as it is not only a beautiful landscape, but a space for innovation and creativity. We aim to achieve the goals of sustainable development through investing in green spaces and reinforcing the role of our citizens”.
The HAYA Joint Programme is launching a new media campaign that aims to raise the awareness on the essential services package available to support women and girls affected by gender-based violence in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
A Mother's Cry in the Shadow of Destruction as the World Watches in Silence
"The True Survivors Are Those Who Died at the Beginning" - Sujoud's Journey Through Gaza’s Endless Pain
Through collaborative efforts and a commitment to holistic care, Palestinian ministries and the HAYA Joint Programme work to ensure survivors of violence are supported and encouraged to thrive
80% of women in Gaza depend on food assistance to survive, and women-led organizations are uniquely equipped to support them, according to new UN Women Gender Alert.
Members of the Palestinian Public Prosecution work to ensure protection and legal justice for women survivors of violence in the West Bank, in partnership with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) through the HAYA Joint Programme.
The Palestinian Civil Police, in partnership with UN Women Palestine through the Sawasya II UN Joint Programme, opened its second One-Stop Centre in Hebron today to enhance access to justice, ensure the provision of timely protection, and maintain privacy and dignity for women and children’s victims and survivors of violence.
Female inmates in the correction and rehabilitation centres of the West Bank are battling with their mental health due to the lack of strong family and community ties and the harsh realities of violence they have faced. To address these challenges, the Ministry of Social Development (MoSD) organized a specialized training programme for counsellors, with the support of the Sawasya Programme through UN Women Palestine.
Farha Abu Al Haija, 57 years old, lives in Jenin, the West Bank. She is the Director of “Not to Forget,” a local NGO that provides women and children with legal, social, and psychological aid, focusing mostly on vulnerable women and survivors of gender-based violence.
Through an awareness raising media campaign launched by the HAYA Joint Programme at the end of June 2022, more than two and a half million Palestinian citizens became more aware of the available essential services for women survivors of gender-based violence* and were encouraged to access these services. These services include health care, justice and policing, and social services.
The Youth Gender Innovation Agora members provide expertise on youth and gender issues, design innovative solutions and campaigns, encourage the mobilization of young people and facilitate the dissemination of information to networks and organizations around the region.
As of today, and under this year’s theme of ‘Protection is a Path not a Slogan’, local and international partners in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza launched the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign in Palestine. Along with raising awareness on violence against women and girls, the campaign calls for action and advocacy both locally and globally for the elimination and prevention of violence through knowledge exchange and innovation.
Journalists and media university graduates in the West Bank follow gender standards for language and content in media reporting, after participating in training by UNODC through the HAYA Joint Programme, funded by the Government of Canada.
One father’s story of transformation as he becomes a role model and leader in his community, after participating in awareness raising activities by the Sharek Youth Forum with UN Women through the HAYA Joint Programme, funded by the Government of Canada.
With the aim of raising awareness on the essential services package available to support victims and survivors of gender-based violence in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the HAYA Joint Programme launched the new media campaign “Our Services” at the end of June 2022.
Women survivors of gender-based violence (GBV) are empowered through violence awareness and survivor sessions by PWWSD in partnership with UN Women through the HAYA Joint Programme.
Thanks to the HAYA Joint Programme both students and parents had a chance to familiarize themselves with concepts of gender equality to prevent and respond to gender-based violence (GBV). Teachers and school counsellors say that they have a better understanding of how to prevent and respond to violence in their schools due to interventions carried out through the joint programme, in partnership with UNFPA, the Ministry of Education and NGO Juzoor for Social Health and Development.
Survivors and victims of violence are more knowledgeable and aware of multi-sectoral quality gender-based violence services as well as ensuring access and quality of these services, through interventions by UNODC through the HAYA Joint Programme. At the Family Protection Unit, officers offer support to victims of gender-based violence, West Bank. Photo ©HAYA Joint Programme/Samar Hazboun “At first, I had a strong and nervous reaction to what was happening, and I was not able...
The Cologne Mobile Exhibition arrived at its last destination in Beit Hanon-Al Ataa’ Charitable Society on Friday 10 December 2021 to conclude its 16-day tour of various Palestinian towns and villages that kicked off on 25 November 2021 in the West Bank of Sabastiya, near Nablus.
1 - 20 of 74 Results